Below you will find a variety of project features, showcasing Proconics' versatility and agility on project execution.
ESD & DCS Replacement Project
The Problem
Replace redundant equipment into brownfields plant
Ensuring adherence to the latest standards and specifications.
Limited existing space available for re-utilization
Extremely small shutdown window available for the installation phase
The Client performed the Front-end loading design of the project and Proconics was appointed to execute the Detail design, as well as Construction and Installation support.
The challenges faced were to keep some existing equipment and replace redundant
equipment, while ensuring that all new standards and specifications are adhered to.
Due to limited space, re-utilization of existing space was imperative.
Furthermore, this plant was a common-plant to numerous other areas, which led to a very strict installation timeframe, with no room for schedule lags of any kind.
Project Highlights
Create Approved for Construction Design
Specify scope for procurement and construction installations
Performing and managing the installation, construction, and operational testing, before hand-over to client.
​Project Value
US$ 2.6m
Project Duration
1.5 Years
Control & Instrumentation I/O
Our Project Team
2 x C&I Engineers
1 x Electrical Engineer
5 Designers
The Solution
First-of-a-kind Honeywell RLSUS installation in plant
Good risk and time planning, as well as management
Ensuring clear communications with all roleplayers involved
Due to the Rack room floor space constraints, the installation of the Honeywell RLSUS (Remote IO) system was installed, which was a first-of-its-kind installation in this area.
Proper risk and time management led to the successful execution of this schedule sensitive project.
As the project progressed, the client was so impressed with Proconics’ efficiency and services, that additional scope, such as construction work and other engineering discipline scope, was added to the original works.
ESD Replacement Project
The Problem
Outdated technology
Investigate whether the current install base conforms to IEC 61511/61508
The budget was under pressure
High-quality services still required
There was outdated technology in the client's plant and the mandate was to establish from a functional safety perspective, whether the current install base of the switchgear and installed instruments in the plant still conforms to IEC 61511/61508 when replaced by a Honeywell Safety System.
The shortcomings identified were captured as part of a Front-End loading exercise.
Due to scope creep, the budget was under pressure, and efficient work ethics had to be applied while still maintaining very high quality and compliance to the client and international specifications.
Project Highlights
Functional safety investigation to be completed
Current switchgear and instrument install base to be evaluated against IEC 61511/61508 standards
Alignment to be reached between Honeywell Safety system and IEC specifications
​Project Value
US$ 18.5m
Project Duration
7 Years
Control & Instrumentation I/O
15 000
Our Project Team
50 x C&I Engineers
Electrical Engineers
The Solution
Functional safety investigations
Numerous first-of-a-kind installations following from these investigations.
Control system migrations, using automated exports
Software engineering
Factory Acceptance checks
Loop checks upon final installation
End of job documentation
The shortcomings identified during the FEED phase were rectified to provide the client with a design that complies with the functional safety requirements, together with the necessary sign-offs for the SIL Calculations.
Proconics' system engineers have a deep history and experience in all generations of Honeywell technology. Many "first of a
kind" solutions were implemented during the project to give effect to the requirements demanded during the functional safety investigations.
Over the last 25 years, Proconics has developed a suite of efficiency and automation tools to reduce the manhours
and cost of control system migrations. using automated exports and software data-integrity checks reduces effort and improves accuracy. These tools have been
implemented across the project phases, from software engineering, detailed design, FAT checks, field installation, E&I interfacing, commissioning, loop checks, and end of job documentation.
Coal Tar Filtration FEED
The Problem
Quality of health had to be improved for the workers in the plant
Restricted access to the plant for information gathering
The purpose of this FEED project was to improve the quality of health for the workers in the specific plant. The Client utilized Linde to provide a new filtration process in order to address these issues.
The solution was to build a new process into an existing plant. Proconics was called in to assist, due to their knowledge of the existing plant and expertise in interfacing new equipment into existing infrastructure.
Furthermore, restricted access had to be maintained on-site, which made the assessment of the existing equipment challenging and time-consuming.
Project Highlights
Building a new process into an existing operating plant
​Project Value
US$ 600k
Project Duration
1 Year
Control & Instrumentation I/O
1 000
Our Project Team
2 x C&I Engineers
2 x Electrical Engineers
3 x Junior Engineers
The Solution
Integration design between the new and existing equipment
Optimization of existing system footprint
Making use of a 3D model, in order to reduce exposure to hazards while collecting existing infrastructure information
Proconics compiled the Control and Instrumentation Systems specifications, as well as Electrical design requirements for the Detail design project.
The overall focus was the integration designs between the new and existing equipment.
Proconics had to be creative in optimizing the existing system footprint, enabling space for new equipment, as well as further additions.
Due to the time and health constraints w.r.t. entering the area to obtain information, Proconics made use of a 3D model, in order to minimize site access as far as possible. Proconics also managed the Honeywell system engineering for-and-on behalf of Linde.
Oryx Stability Project
The Problem
a Young Running plant (for 4 years) with still an enormous amount of trips
1 000-point concerns hitlist
The plant was running for around 4 years,
but still had an enormous amount of trips.
Trips were costing $450mil.pa in lost production.
Proconics was called in to come and assist in identifying the challenges and guide towards solutions.
The scope started with a hit list of 1000 issues provided by the client.
Project Highlights
Sending a team of well-seasoned commissioning experts
Incorporating best-practices guidelines and procedures
​Project Value
US$ 1.8m
Project Duration
9 months
Client's concerns hitlist
1 000
Our Project Team
A total team of 30 Engineers;
on average 7 per rotation basis
Oryx GTL, Qatar
AMT, Ireland (Process Partners)
The Solution
Building a trust relationship with the operators
Being part of the team - humble, interdependent, vulnerable, positive
Utilising best practices from ASM guidelines, as well as fault-finding processes and procedures (logging and tracking), and alarm prioritization
Proconics sent a group of well-seasoned commissioning experts, in order to start addressing the Client’s hitlist.
Firstly the hitlist concerns were prioritized from highest importance and most difficult to sort out, to easiest. Easy issues could be resolved by implementing ASM guidelines, rectifying system coding issues, and addressing human errors.
The 263 outstanding issues that could not be addressed as part of the immediate troubleshooting were formalized into individual project scope documents.
Proconics has a reputation for being a relational company. Therefore, when the team looked at the sizable amount of human errors, they realized that operators in the plant were scared to ask questions when faced with uncertainties.
The team convinced the operators that Proconics was there to assist and teamwork is imperative to solve the challenges.
By utilizing best practices and incorporating processes and procedures on fault-finding, report tracking, and alarm prioritization, the team enabled the operators to understand and manage their
plant in an efficient and safe manner.
Jindal Plant Project
The Problem
Functional testing and auditing of the client's DCS and ESD systems in various units.
The client initially requested SAT (Site Acceptance Testing) and functional testing assistance on their Gasification unit, consisting of approximately 14 500 I/O Honeywell DCS EPKS C300 as well as Honeywell SM ESD.
After initial site auditing assistance was conducted, the client felt it imperative to execute similar auditing on their Ash, Gas Cooling, Tar Separation, Rectisol, Sulphur, and Phenosolvan units as well.
Numerous functional safety and equipment application issues were identified and rectified.
Project Highlights
Sending a team of well-seasoned commissioning experts
Incorporating best-practices guidelines and procedures
​Project Value
US$ 1.1m
Project Duration
3 Years
Client's concerns hitlist
1 000
Our Project Team
A total team of 5 Engineers;
Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.
India, Angul, Orissa
Honeywell South Africa
The Solution
In-house configuration typicals
Closing the loop on intent and practical implementation
The teams were split into field and rack room work. The plant was divided into three sections.
The client’s problems were addressed by finding innovative ways to solve operational problems. Proconics was consulted for their current plant knowledge of a similar GTL facility, with specifics to Gasification, Inside/Outside Ash, Rectisol, Phenosolvan, and Sulphur, with the Rectisol Puregas as end of pipe.
Furthermore, in-house configuration typicals and testing procedures, as well as ensuring that the design basis and requirements with the supporting documents are correlated contribute to the success in finalizing SAT.